Great mind.
    Easy Style.


    Electronic Know Your Customer (eKYC) Verification – Instant,
    Convenient, at Your Fingertips


    Online Loan – A reputable lending service,
    officially provided by Bank SinoPac

Nền tảng công nghệ ứng dụng eKYC trên easy App

The technology platform integrating eKYC on the easy App

  • Online registration for eKYC accounts enables customers to quickly open an account without the need for time-consuming queueing and complicated procedures
  • It takes only 3 to 5 minutes for customers to complete the process of opening a new account and to access all financial services through the easy App on their phones
Ưu điểm vượt trội khi vay qua Online Loan của Bank SinoPac

Borrowing through Bank SinoPac's Online Loan

  • Interest rate starting from 12% per annum, calculated on a reducing balance basis
  • Loan amount of up to 15 times monthly income, with a maximum of 500 million VND
  • Loan tenure ranging from a minimum of 12 months to a maximum of 48 months
  • Disbursement within 24 hours after the application is approved
Tích hợp nhiều loại tiền tệ, nắm bắt toàn bộ thông tin tài khoản

Overview of multi-currency accounts, get information in the palm of your hand

  • Cross-border transfers, help you complete all transactions
  • Quick search, reduce missing transaction